About me

My skills

Socrates once said:

"To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge."

But that said, I would like to tell you about my skills:


  • HTML and CSS
  • PHP and Laravel (PHP framework)
  • JavaScript and Polymer
  • (GIT)


  • C#
  • C (Arduino)
  • Java
  • SQL


  • Linux and UNIX client and server
  • Windows 10 and Windows 2016
  • Cisco CCNA 1 & 2
  • General component and computer knowledge

Office and Design

  • Microsoft Office 365 overall knowledge (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access)
  • Photoshop CS 6
  • Keynote
  • Sublime Text in development environments

My schoolcareer

I'm born on the 14th of december 1995 in Dendermonde and started my school career in Herdersem (Aalst).
I switched to VBS Lebbeke in my 4th year, and graduated there.
After that I took the big step to high school and started in SVI Dendermonde, where i studied modern siences.
In my fith year I knew I needed to follow my heart and I began studying computer management at TIS Aalst.
After all, this was the best decision I ever made, and in 2015 I graduated from high school and could take the next big step.
After 2 months of doubt, I followed my heart again and started, at Odisee in Gent at the campus of technology, to study Electronics-ICT.
In the beginning I had a hard time with the Electronics courses, but I was certain I would graduate.
In my second year at Odisee, I had to choose between Electronics, WEB or Infrastructure. I decided wisely to follow the WEB courses. A decision I don't regret, even at this moment, when we have a ton of assignments to finish, I'm glad I did this.

My spare time

In my spare time, I try to commit myself into volunteering in local organisations. It all started at the age of 6, I went to School in Herdersem and one day a few guys knocked at my parents' door.
They asked if I wasn't interested in joining the KSA of Herdersem. I told them I would come the next saturday, and so it began. Since I became 18 and was of age to begin as a monitor, most of my spare time is committed to the KSA.
We love to give the kids the time of their lives, and we organize a camp in the summer, where we go back to basics with no TV's, cellphones, tablets, computers, ...

kampKSA monitors KSA kids KSA

Also I'm a musician, actually I'm a music addict. I play the drums in a band, and am a percussionist in 2 local orchestras.
I love challenging myself to play all the percussion, and in one of the orchestras I'm responsible for the mallet percussion.
Like I said on the homepage, I love working with children, and not only do I monitor in the youth movement, I also lecture the basics of drumming to children between 6 and 12.
It's a great time killer, and the adrenaline you get from preforming live is something you can't compare with anything else.

harmonie herdersem new band mallets